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Labor Day: A Tribute to American Workers

Labor Day: A Tribute to American Workers

The Deep-Rooted Origins of Labor Day Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday of September, is more than just a day off from work or the symbolic end of summer. It's a day that pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. The origins of...

Can I Get Fired For Calling In Sick?

Can I Get Fired For Calling In Sick?

In California, employees are entitled to protected sick leave under the state’s labor laws. This means you have the right to take time off from work when you’re genuinely ill or need to care for a sick family member.

Employee or Independent Contractor?

Employee or Independent Contractor?

Misclassification of employment status is an all too common problem in California, with many employers improperly classifying their workers as independent contractors instead of employees. Improper classification can be the result of a mistake but may be the result of...

Additional Employment Law Changes for 2022

Additional Employment Law Changes for 2022

Employment Law Changes in California for 2022 This year’s new laws included several employment-related bills signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, including bills aimed at prohibiting quotas that interfere with employees’ ability to take breaks and combatting wage theft...

California Minimum Wage Increases by City for 2022

California Minimum Wage Increases by City for 2022

California Minimum Wage Increases by City California has consistently paved the way nationwide for consistent minimum wage increases and``` leads the country with 4 of the top 5 minimum wage cities in the US.  Emeryville and Mountain View, California top the chart at...

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