What To Do If Not Terminated But Have a Potential Claim?

In order to file a wrongful termination or related claim you cannot still be employed by the employer the claim would be against. If you think you are potentially going to be fired due to retaliation, discrimination, or some other reason that would provide basis for a claim you should follow all rules and regulations and follow best practices to protect your rights. Best practices include taking detailed notes of any potential incidents and document time, place, and witnesses. File appropriate complaints with your Human Resources Department or direct supervisor in writing. And last but not least do not do anything to get fired for cause. Any potential claim you may have will be difficult to pursue if you are terminated for cause, such as absenteeism or poor performance. If you are in a situation where you feel threatened by bodily harm or an emergency please call 911.

If you do get terminated and feel you have a claim, please contact us to schedule a free Strategy Session with a certified Human Resources professional that can review your options with you and help you know your rights. You may schedule a Strategy Session here.